As a lover of food and a mom of a rambunctious one year old, my obsession is making delicious food as efficiently and affordably as possible while preserving the nutrition that I want out of my food. I don’t always grocery shop at Target, but when you need diapers, shampoo, a new bikini, and groceries for the week, it’s obviously Target time.
I wanted to take our staple as a mom community and show you how to get the most bang for your buck while promoting nutritious options with quick cook times. I utilized a lot of the Good & Gather brand and many of the items are frozen. Their frozen vegetable options are fantastic!
One of the most important parts of building your meal plan for the week is variety. I like to make a different protein for each meal, as well as a different vegetable. This variety helps aid in getting nutrients in your daily diet that will promote balanced blood sugar and liver function for hormonal harmony and thus radiant skin!
Grain Free Granola from Good & Gather
This was a recommendation from the Skincare Queen herself, Savannah! Grain-free options are a really solid way to eliminate unwanted inflammation that some grains can cause in your body. Lowering inflammatory foods in at least one meal a day can reduce skin redness and acne.
Suggested meal: Make your own breakfast parfait with Greek yogurt (unsweetened), berries, and peanut butter, then top with a scoop grain-free granola!

All Natural Homestyle Turkey Meatballs from Good & Gather
First of all, my husband RAVES about these meatballs everytime I use them in spaghetti and I try not to feel offended that my own homemade meatballs do not receive the same response. But they really are good!! There is no fancy shmancy reason that these meatballs should be in your meal, other than it is a great source of protein, easy to cook, and contains turkey which is high in zinc therefore supporting skin health!
Suggested meal: I love to use spaghetti as a way to sneak my veggies in but have that comfort meal feeling. I will add chopped and cooked zucchini or spinach to the sauce to get my fiber intake in. Bonus points if you buy a no sugar added spaghetti sauce and lentil pasta! This is a great way to get the protein you need to feel full and maintain blood sugar balance, reducing the feeling of a “crash” after a comfort meal.

Frozen Mediterranean-Style Seasoned Quinoa, Couscous & Veggie Blend
This frozen bag of goodies is the perfect QUICK side that is jam packed with protein and fiber for a simple lunch or dinner in a pinch. Pair it with your favorite protein and a yummy sauce.
Suggested meal: I love to add the turkey meatballs from #2 to this blend along with feta cheese, olives, and hummus for a little Greek/Mediterranean bowl

Alaskan Cod Skinless Boneless Filets
If you follow on stories, I am always talking about this freaking cod fish. I am obsessed, ya’ll. I’m usually a salmon or tuna loving girl but this cod has got a chokehold on me. My family is probably tired of it. But what they don’t realize is that I am giving them all the Omega 3s with this delicious fish dish. Anti-aging properties are one of the many benefits for your skin from Omega 3 fatty acids. If that doesn’t do it for you, adding this cod to your meal planning can also help reduce oily skin and increase hydration!
Suggestion meal: My favorite way to cook these bad boys in a glass dish in the oven on 350 degrees with olive oil, himalayan sea salt, pepper, and onion powder. I use my meat thermometer to see when it’s done, and usually pull it out of the oven around 135-140 degrees and let it sit to finish cooking.

Crispy Green Beans from Birds Eye
Do you ever want the crunchy feeling of a french fry but also want the benefits of a healthy green veggie? You can now have both! We have recently fell in love as a family with this crunchy green beans as a side with burgers or really anything. In particular, my one year old will eat all his green beans first when we have these. Now, I don’t love every ingredient that creates the bread coating for these guys… But I am a firm believer in knowing that I can’t win them all. If you need that satisfactory crunch while also receiving amazing benefits for your health + skin like Vitamin C for collagen production, these green beans are for you.
Suggested meal: If you own an air fryer you MUST cook these in it. Absolutely delicious.

Aside from being healthy and delicious, these items are tough and won't break if your child stomps on them in the shopping cart. Ask me how I know.
The more you can plan for a quick + efficient way to get your macronutrients, the better off your health and your skin will be! Learn more about how to use macronutrients to improve your skin health by booking a consultation with me!
Peace, Love, & Target,
Dr. Alison