When it comes to exfoliation, which is removing the top layer of skin to reveal a smoother layer of skin underneath, you have a few different teams: Acids, like AHAs/BHAs or Enzymes. AHA's and BHA's are a little more aggressive usually, and enzymes are typically more on the gentle side.
Acids are derived from a number of different places: citrus, milk, even plants in some cases. Enzymes are made from fruits, like papaya, pumpkin, and pineapple. AHAs, one kind of acid, work by loosening the top layer of the skin so it can come off. Enzymes work by breaking down the keratin in the skin. Different processes, same goal. So instead of two teams, it's more like same team, different positions. Just football season things.
So which ones is best for you? Well, it mostly depends on your skin type and skincare routine. Oily skin does really well with BHA's, as the salicylic acid acts like a mop for soaking up extra oil, and enzymes tend to work well with sensitive, reactive skin. But the truth is, they can all be used together to achieve the smoothest skin.
At Deux Skin, our enzyme exfoliant is the Hydrating Masque (formally known as the Hydrating Enzyme Masque). It's the green, Lizzie McGuire looking mask that you've seen on Instagram. Used once or twice a week, this gentle mask will help improve the texture of your skin. It can be used in conjunction with AHA's and BHA's too, just because it's so gentle. This isn't the case with all enzyme products, though, so if you choose a different one, tread lightly.

Exfoliating is one of the pillars of a skincare because it speeds up our cell's turnover process to reveal smoother skin and improve overall skin health. Its critical to every routine in some capacity. So regardless of which avenue you choose, make sure you have at least one, but ideally two, different modes of exfoliation in your routine. You will be able to tell the difference pretty quickly.

This before and after was thanks to Radiant Serum, which is a Mandelic Acid serum. Game changers. GO SPORTS!